10 Christian F&SF authors talk about representing the Creator while creating their own literary worlds.
Over the years, FamilyFiction has talked to a lot of Christian authors who write fantasy and science fiction. While most authors writing from a position of faith set their stories in the world we see around us, speculative Christian authors often set their tales in worlds they made up. What are the unique challenges of creating a brand-new world that is still grounded in a biblical worldview? We’ve asked that of several authors—and here’s what ten of them had to say…
Morgan L. Busse
I am a finite human being, which means I will never be able to show God in all His glory and the facets of His being. That said, I always strive to present God in the most theological accurate way, and I want my readers to walk away from my stories with an overwhelming awe of God in their hearts.
I also portray sin as a brokenness in our lives, which only God, not ourselves, can heal. It is when we come to God and realize our need of Him that we can finally break free of our past and move forward as new creatures. That is how I infuse a biblical worldview into my stories.
Read the original interview: https://www.familyfiction.com/speculative-qa-morgan-l-busse-mark-raven/
Mark of the Raven
The Ravenwood Saga #1
Morgan L. Busse
Bethany House
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