06) Ted Dekker

Ted Dekker is an multiple award-winning, New York Times and international bestselling author of more than 40 novels. His work has reached tens of millions worldwide and has been translated into numerous languages and adapted into major feature films (Thr3e and House). In 2013, NPR listeners nationwide named him as one of the top suspense writers of all time.

“Story is paramount to our human experience, which is why Jesus used it as his primary mode of teaching. We are all looking to change the story of our lives. In fiction, we take that journey of change through a series of events involving worthy characters who change as a result of those events. And we are invited to change with them.” [Speculative Q&A: Ted Dekker (Rise of the Mystics)]

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About The Author

Lynette Eason is the bestselling author of several romantic suspense series. She is the winner of three ACFW Carol Awards, the Selah Award, and the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award, among others. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and has a master's degree in education from Converse College. Eason lives in South Carolina with her husband and two children.