"Pittman also maintains an even balance of tension throughout the novel'the story flows along with just enough good and just enough bad to keep readers interested."
Carrie Stuart Parks is an artist-turned-novelist -- and the many layers of her experience gives her a lot to share with us with the release of the latest volume in her Gwen Marcey forensic mysteries.
Kevin Sorbo and his wife Sam team up for a faith-based movie after finding how deeply 'God's Not Dead' impacted their own lives and the lives of many viewers.
Davis Bunn's latest novel, The Domino Effect draws on his extensive business background. He shares with us how a business and financial concern developed into his most recent book.
Author Kate Breslin found growing in her faith changed how she wrote and changed the trajectory of her writing career. Family Fiction catches up with her at the 2016 ACFW Conference to find out more.