Just for the Summer
Melody Carlson
Genres: Romance
Release Date: March 19, 2024

ISBN-10: ‎0800744713
ISBN-13: ‎978-0800744717

Book Summary:
Ginny Masters manages a popular boutique hotel in Seattle with hospitality and grace—neither of which is extended to her by its exacting owner, Diana Jackson. Ginny’s circumstances are further complicated by the unwanted attention of Adrian Jackson, CFO of the hotel and son to Diana. Because Ginny lives near the hotel, she never escapes the pressures and demands of a career she thought she would love but finds she may be stuck in.

Jacqueline Potter begrudgingly runs her grandfather’s fishing lodge in western Idaho. The rustic, cozy cabin life is not her style, but it is the only job opportunity she could find in the hospitality industry. Ben Tanninger, a local river guide with roguish good looks, may be the only redeeming factor. Still, Jacqueline longs for the sophistication of city life.

Could the desires of both women be fulfilled by JobSwap, an online service that allows them to switch employment for the summer? While the women are thrilled to trade locations, their swap may have ramifications they never thought of: Is Jacqueline cut out for the weight of Diana’s expectations? Can Ginny embrace a rustic lodge in place of a polished hotel? And what of Adrian’s and Ben’s interests?


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