The Size of Everything
Ginormous Galaxies, Itty-Bitty Quarks, and Me
Alyssa Clements
Tyndale Kids
Genres: Children’s
Release Date: September 5, 2023

ISBN-10: ‎149646253X
ISBN-13: ‎978-1496462534

Book Summary:
The Size of Everything helps children understand why and how they were created and how they physically fit into God’s world. This book emphasizes that humans are at the center of God’s Creation because we are made in his image. The story begins in the middle of the book and gives the reader the option to turn the pages to the left and explore creations that progressively get smaller than humans, or they can turn the page to the right and explore creations bigger than humans.

This book touches on the themes of God’s power and creativity, and how special humans are to God. It’s also an informational book that includes fun science facts about each creation mentioned.


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About The Author

Alyssa Clements is a third-grade teacher turned book editor who loves learning about the fascinating world God has created and exploring how it all points back to him. Alyssa lives in West Chicago, Illinois, with her husband, Forrest, and her two wonderfully curious children.

Books by Alyssa Clements