YA Q&A: Bonnie S. Calhoun (Storm) Bonnie S. Calhoun December 27, 2016 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Young Adult/Teen Bonnie Calhoun invites readers into a different world--set 150 years after the destruction of the United States.
Suspense Q&A: James Markert (The Angels’ Share) James Markert December 27, 2016 Suspense Historical A story of fathers and sons, of young romance, of revenge and redemption, and the mystery of miracles...
Speculative Q&A: Morgan Busse (Tainted) Morgan L. Busse December 27, 2016 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Morgan Busse, no stranger to speculative fiction, is now delving into the sub-genre of steampunk with Tainted (Gilead Publishing), the first volume in her new series Soul Chronicles. Steampunk--which fuses toge...
Fight the Good Fight: ‘The Fight Within’ Film Set Within MMA Family Fiction Staff December 27, 2016 Suspense Movies/TV Go behind the scenes for a new movie that aims to fill an unmet need among Christian films.
5 Authors who write more than one genre Ted Dekker December 27, 2016 Suspense Historical Sci-Fi/Fantasy Children's These five authors have talent to spare--each writing hit fiction in more than one genre!
The Two Worlds of Ronie Kendig Ronie Kendig December 27, 2016 Romance Suspense Sci-Fi/Fantasy How can one creative mind straddle two different genres in such a captivating way'
Dani Pettrey: The Art of Writing Romantic Suspense Dani Pettrey December 23, 2016 Romance Suspense Author Dani Pettrey reveals her secrets to writing pulse-pounding romantic suspense.
Julie Klassen: Welcome to Ivy Hill Julie Klassen December 23, 2016 Romance Historical Julie Klassen invites readers on a new journey with a fresh series, Tales from Ivy Hill (Bethany House).
Historical Romance Q&A: Lynn Austin (Waves of Mercy) Lynn Austin December 22, 2016 Romance Historical On historical accuracy, the Dutch community, and the differences between biblical and original historical fiction.
Historical Romance Q&A: Tamera Alexander (A Note Yet Unsung) Tamera Alexander December 22, 2016 Romance Historical Tamera Alexander answers our questions about the final novel in her Belmont Mansion series.