"Through these struggling characters' stories, the reader sees that God loves everyone, even through uncertainty and trails. His strength is there, even when His children are weak and powerless."
"Tricia Goyer has authored an exquisitely romantic novel. She has carefully and skillfully crafted scenes between Rebecca and Caleb, which will leave readers starry-eyed."
"Axtell includes beautiful details of this era in London, from the dinner parties, dances, ball gowns, fashionable buggy rides in parks, and visits to gardens. Botany is an uncommon and refreshing element in this novel, complete with a visit to the famed royal Kew Gardens."
In a word, the series so far is remarkable, but it is so much more than that as it challenges readers to examine closely the world around them, the faith within them, and foundation below them.
"The authors give readers a new twist with a male perspective in this delicious Amish romance that also deals with rejection, restlessness, reconnection, and forgiveness."
"Through skilled storytelling and prose, Tracy Groot weaves accurate historical details and events with fictional characters to create a captivating novel ... "