Can you tell our readers a little about what they can expect from The Beloved Christmas Quilt?
In this three-story book, one special quilt binds three generations of Amish women. A scripture embroidered on the back of the quilt brings hope to these three Pennsylvania Amish women at Christmastime. I wrote the first story, Luella’s Promise. Jean wrote the second story, Karen’s Gift, and Richelle wrote Roseanna’s Groom.
Can you give our readers some hints about what else you may be working on, or what’s next to be released?
Following The Blessing, which is Book 2 in my Amish Cooking Class series, will be the third and final book in the series, The Celebration. It releases Feb. 1, 2018, along with a special Amish Cooking Class recipe book. I am also currently coauthoring another book with my daughter-in-law that will come out in June 2018.
For more information about Wanda’s books and touring schedule,