A retired grade school teacher and former Christian radio announcer, Judy DuCharme is also an author of different kinds of books. Her end times thriller Blood Moon Redemption (Ambassador International) won acclaim from the Selah Awards, the National Indie Excellence Awards, and the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. In this exclusive interview, Judy shares what inspired the novel, what she hopes readers get out of the experience, and why she writes such a diverse array of books…

Judy, Blood Moon Redemption is an end times thriller that features an ancient relic, a puzzling prophecy, and a woman tied to these by her family history. What inspired this novel?

My husband and I study end-times teachings and were fascinated by the information and research on the blood moons. Not everybody will do the research or read the non-fiction books. I wanted to write a fiction book that centered on the blood moons and end-time prophecies.

I love Joel Rosenberg’s books and envisioned a book along those lines with lots of suspense. My husband had the idea for the relic and for the strange man that so bothers Tassie.

This book is quite different from some of your other titles. What kind of author do you define yourself as?

I’m a “pantster,” as in writing by the seat of my pants. Because so many storylines run through my head at any given time and because I enjoy such variety in books, I find I cannot stick to just one genre. I’m an author that wants the reader to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, so I write to that purpose.

How do you choose what kind of project to write at a given time?

I choose the one that just won’t leave me alone. I’ve experienced the characters taking over a scene and I just try to write fast enough to stay with the story. I trust the Lord that He’ll lead me to write the right one.

How does your faith impact how you approach storytelling?

It impacts everything I do and everything I write. I want the reader to become passionate about serving the Lord and so I work to instill those sentiments in the story.

What do you hope readers take away after reading Blood Moon Redemption?

I’ve already heard from many who read and then determine to do the research to see for themselves if all this is truth or fiction. That is my hope, as well as having the reader see Jesus and hear Him speaking to them in this book and determining to follow Him whole-heartedly.

Visit Judy DuCharme’s author page:

Blood Moon Redemption

Judy DuCharme
Ambassador International
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