What was the most challenging part of writing this novel?
It was difficult to let the characters go. I knew when I began writing An Extra Mile that it would be the final book in the series, and it was important not to let my own grief color the story. It was also essential for me not to manipulate or control the characters’ endings, but to let them journey in ways that were true and organic to each of them.
I had to be mindful of that tension as I wrote—to find ways of leading them toward some kind of satisfying conclusion even while their stories wouldn’t be finished at the end of the book.
What surprised you the most about how the story or characters turned out?
In many ways the characters and their stories feel more “received” than “created.” I bring my training as a pastor and spiritual director into the writing process, and that means listening prayerfully for the direction the characters are moving and then responding accordingly. I delight in being utterly surprised by the twists and turns along the way, including some of the significant plot points.
I remember one particular moment when I was writing Sensible Shoes, the first book in the series. Our son, then thirteen, was in the room with me while I was crying over something a character had just disclosed in a scene. Puzzled, he said, “Mom, I don’t get this! You’re the author. You’re in charge of the story.”
But the truth is, I’m not in charge of it. That’s part of the joy for me—giving the characters freedom to walk on and off the page and to embrace growth and transformation at their own pace, even if the ways they avoid or respond to deepening intimacy with God surprise me.
Since An Extra Mile is the final book in the series, the characters have already experienced significant insights about their patterns of resistance and receptivity to the Holy Spirit’s work, but their journeys aren’t over when the book ends. Each of them is still growing in trust and hope. Each of them is still wrestling. And each of them is learning to see how God is with them in all that is difficult and sorrowful.
Some readers might be surprised that the story isn’t neatly wrapped at the end. But life isn’t tidy, and the characters mirror that in each of the books. They’re moving forward in community, though, and I’m grateful for that.
What do you hope that readers will come away with after reading your book?
I long for readers to encounter God as they journey with the characters, to see themselves more clearly and to be awakened to God’s presence in their own lives. I long for them to glimpse the heart of God, to see how God is with us and to grow in confidence in his love.
I hope readers catch a vision of the importance of community and maybe even take a step toward forming their own Sensible Shoes group. I’m currently writing an in-depth study guide for An Extra Mile so readers can explore the spiritual formation themes and practice some of the spiritual disciplines individually and in groups.
Click to find out Sharon’s journey to being a Christian author…