Author Laurel Blount lives on a small farm in Middle Georgia, where she divides her time between farm chores, homeschooling and writing. Her new romance title is A Rancher to Trust (Love inspired). In this interview, Laurel shares about the book, reveals the spiritual themes, and explains what she hopes readers take away.

No spoilers, but what can you tell us about A Rancher to Trust?

After learning his ex-wife isn’t so ex after all, rebel turned rancher Dan Whitlock is determined to prove he’s a changed man—but Bailey Quinn is just as set on finally ending their marriage. When tragedy makes Dan the guardian of little orphaned twins, he and Bailey are drawn back together. But can she forgive the past and open her heart to the family she’s always wanted?

Tell us about your main characters. What about these two made you want to tell their story?

When I was revising my debut novel for Love Inspired, A Family for the Farmer, my editor suggested that the heroine needed a best friend. I sat down at my keyboard—and Bailey Quinn strolled into the barn.

Direct to the point of bluntness, professionally driven, with a wry sense of humor and a doggedly loyal heart, Bailey turned out to be the just kind of friend I’d like to have myself! That’s when I knew this organic grocery store owner needed a story of her very own.

Dan Whitlock, the prodigal brother of the mild-mannered hero from my first book, also caught my attention early on. I was intrigued by the idea of two brothers who shared a tough upbringing but whose reactions to it were worlds apart.

In Dan’s case, his stubbornness drove him a long way down the same dangerous path his alcoholic father had taken. But God caught up with him and turned him around with spectacular results. As an author, I have a soft spot for reformed rebels. I think they make fantastic heroes!

What spiritual themes run through the book?

The central theme in this story is one of redemption—its possibilities and its price. Dan has, with the help of God and a faithful old rancher, turned his life around. Now he’s given an unexpected opportunity to make amends to the person he hurt most deeply—the girl he talked into an ill-advised elopement when they were both in their teens.

I explored the difficulties Dan faces when he returns to the small Georgia town that remembers him only as the town troublemaker—and the woman who still sees him as the young man who humiliated her by leaving her after their hasty wedding. Dan struggles to walk out his faith as he copes with gossip, distrust and personal tragedy.

Meanwhile, Bailey struggles to recognize God’s answer to her prayers—not too surprising, since that answer showed up wearing a Stetson and the face of the man who broke her heart!

Almost all my books highlight the fact that God’s plans often unfold in unexpected ways—and that faithfully trusting Him during life’s twists and turns can be very challenging! But, of course, so very well worth it.

How does your faith impact how you approach storytelling?

I hope my faith flavors my storytelling like a tea bag flavors hot water, that it spreads thoroughly throughout it. I have two goals with my writing—to honor God, and to entertain my reader with all the excellence I can muster.

I think our entertainment—even our light reading—matters because what we fill our minds with influences us so profoundly. So writing, for me, is in itself an act of faith.

What do you hope readers will take away after reading A Rancher to Trust?

I hope they come away with that warm glow you have when you’ve spent some quality time among good friends. I hope they feel uplifted and encouraged—and that their stomachs hurt just a little bit from laughing so hard!

And I hope they take away a sense of joyful satisfaction—the way we feel when we see God work out a difficult situation in the best possible way!

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A Rancher to Trust

Laurel Blount
Love inspired
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