Hotel manager Adelaide Fountaine and Detective Beau Savoie are dealing with a killer, but they also each have secrets of their own. What made you want to tell their story?

The idea for this series was born at a writing retreat at a friend’s house with several other authors. I knew where I wanted to set my next series, but as we started brainstorming, I realized that a hotel was perfect. Then I needed to think about the characters—Addy came immediately to mind.

As the conference director for American Christian Fiction Writers, I know how hard hotel staff work behind the scenes, and I wanted to portray that. I love crafting characters and building their backstories, so as Addy and Beau and Dimitri came to life, I knew the story I needed to tell.

Is there a theme or spiritual truth behind Darkwater Secrets?

So many, but two that are prominent! Of course, there’s forgiveness, which I put into most of my books because I think we spend so much time beating up ourselves (or each other) when forgiveness is there for the asking. There’s also the age-old question of why bad things happen to good people.

What inspired you to write about that?

I don’t know anyone who has the “charmed” life without issues. Things happen, and we are often left asking ourselves why something happened to us, or someone we care about. That’s life. I wanted to use that gentle reminder for everyone to know they aren’t alone. It’s not just them. We all deal with it.

No spoilers, but what’s the plan for the series after this point?

I just completed and turned in book two, Darkwater Lies, and I have to tell you, I loved that storyline. I used Mardi Gras as a major backdrop to the plot, as well as weaving in some international facts. There’s even royalty.

I’m currently working on the third book, Darkwater Truth. I’m doing a lot of research of some of the historical moments of New Orleans to use in the plot. I have to say, I’m pretty excited about where the story’s going. And having a coroner and forensic anthropologist answering questions—well, no spoilers!

Click through to find out the why Robin created a surprising companion book to the novel…

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