Caught between a dangerous dust storm and a loss of electrical power, Donton makes a harrowing descent into ta massive crater at the base of the tallest mountain in the solar system in Mars Landing. As the lieutenant maneuvers Little G into the swirling atmosphere surrounding the deepest hole in the outer space, an electrical malfunction cuts communication with the Genesis craft and the command center monitoring Donton’s every more from Earth. Facing total loss of contact with their adventurous crew member, Enoch is forced to make the dangerous decision to send a surge of power to Little G, depleting the Genesis 7 craft’s own supply and sacrificing control of its orbit. Will the electrical shock be enough to restore communication between Donton and the crew, or will the captain’s command cause the craft to careen toward the red planet and jeopardize the entire Genesis 7 mission? No matter what happens, Enoch reminds Donton’s sister, Priscilla “No situation is to difficult for God.”

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