What are the challenges of writing a new story set against historical events? How do you balance historical accuracy with the needs of the story?

The biggest challenge is that every Bible scholar, every archeologist, and every historian has their own ideas about what happened in the past along with when, how, and why. Because there are so many contradictory views about events and timelines, and so many strong opinions (some very anti-Bible), it is sometimes difficult to sift through all the noise.

There are times when I just have to choose which idea fits best with my story and go with it, even if there are lots of people out there who disagree. My job as a historical writer is to do a good enough job creating a sense of verisimilitude that the reader comes away with the sense that the events in my books could actually have happened, even if none of us (including all those scholars) were there to witness such things.

My solution to all of this is to focus on the characters and do my best to filter their story through their unique experiences and what I know of their culture, instead of trying to teach a history lesson to readers.

How does your faith impact the way you approach storytelling?

My faith is central to what I do. I did not set out to write Biblical Fiction, and certainly did not consider that anyone might be impacted by my work, other than to perhaps enjoy a good book.

But as I began to write my first novel, Counted with the Stars, I realized that I had a passion for opening up the world of the Bible in a fresh way. Although it was not the norm for the genre, I decided to write in first person because I wanted the reader to place themselves inside the Biblical narrative, as if they were there experiencing the plagues, walking in the wilderness, gathering manna, or watching the walls of Jericho tumble to the ground.

My hope is that readers will move away from a two-dimensional, “flannel-graph” understanding of the Bible and remember that the people within those pages were living, breathing men and women. They loved, they grieved, they struggled with doubts and fears and women and children especially were vulnerable in a way that we, in our Western mindset, just do not comprehend.

My greatest joy is when I receive messages from readers that my stories have inspired a new curiosity for digging into the Word and searching out the true character of God within the pages of his love letter to us.

What are your favorite ways for readers to support their favorite authors?

Like most other authors I love hearing how my books have impacted readers or even if they just could not put it down long enough to cook dinner, do laundry, or sleep! If you enjoyed a book, reach out to the author and let them know, either by social media or email, and you will always make their day, I promise.

Another great way to support those of us that make our living by creating imaginary worlds for your enjoyment is to leave reviews on retail and book enthusiast websites which helps new readers discover stories or authors that might be unfamiliar to them. Remember you don’t have to write a book report, just a couple of lines about what you enjoyed and (hopefully) a positive rating!

Last, but most importantly, word of mouth is always the best way to spread the word about a story you love or an author you enjoy. Tell your friends and family, recommend it on social media, share a quote or create a graphic, ask for your library to carry a copy, or buy a few copies to give as gifts!

What do you hope readers take away after reading Until the Mountains Fall?

Like Rivkah, we all have the tendency to wander away from Yahweh’s good and perfect design for our lives, we all have times when we get wrapped up in our own selfish desires and pursue our own paths, and some of us have even turned our backs on the Truth and found ourselves so far from the Way that we might as well be wallowing in the muck with the pigs.

But my greatest desire is that Until the Mountains Fall reminds readers of the boundless, unceasing, and extravagant love of our heavenly Father. Our Abba is always there, his heart overflowing with mercy as he waits for us to come to our senses and run back home into his outstretched arms.

Visit Connilyn Cossette’s author page:

Until the Mountains Fall

Cities Of Refuge #3
Connilyn Cossette
Bethany House

Recently widowed, Rivkah refuses to submit to the Torah law compelling her to marry her husband’s brother and instead flees Kedesh, hoping to use her talents as a scribe to support herself. Without the protection of her father, Kedesh’s head priest, and the safety of the city of refuge, Rivkah soon discovers that the cost of recklessness is her own freedom.

Malakhi has secretly loved Rivkah for years, but he never imagined his older brother’s death would mean wedding her. After her disappearance, he throws himself into the ongoing fight against the Canaanites instead of dwelling on all he has lost. But with war looming over Israel, Rivkah’s father comes to Malakhi with an impossible request.

As the enemies that Rivkah and Malakhi face from within and without Israel grow more threatening each day, is it too late for the restoration their wounded souls seek?

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