Bree Leake doesn’t want to be tied down. She’s had more jobs than she can count, and she plans to move as soon as the curtains fall on her less-than-minor stage role at The Barter—the oldest live performance theater in the US. But just when it’s time to move on again, Bree’s parents make her an offer: hold steady for a full year, and they will give her the one thing she’s always wanted—her grandmother’s house. Her dreams are coming true … until life at the theater throws her some curve balls.

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About The Author

Melissa Ferguson lives in Bristol, Tennessee, where she is an assistant professor at King University. She used to have hobbies like running and backpacking the Appalachian Trail outside her door, but now she and her husband are outnumbered, and her hobbies revolve around their three young children. She survives by Jesus, rom-coms, and roughly two espresso shots a day.

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