Sorry, Bestie
Felicity Abbott
(WestBow Press)
Genres: Middle Grade Kids, YA/Teen
Release Date: December 17, 2020

Book Summary:
What is real friendship? How do you know if you have a real friend? Should a friend keep secrets or tattle? These are just some of the questions Lacy struggles with as her friends leave her to face the bullies at school alone. Depressed and lonely Lacy perseveres until the bullies attack the new girl, her one friend in class. What will Lacy do? Will she stay silent and lose her friend just like the last time?


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About The Author

Felicity Abbott is a veteran Christian teacher who enjoys working with pre-teens and teenagers.She often mentors students as they deal with life's experiences and helps students gain a Christian perspective on life and everyday difficulties. She decided to write about bullying from a girl's point of view because girl bullying often goes unnoticed since it is most times non-violent but still very hurtful. Her hope is that Lacy's story will be a help to all girls: those being bullied and the girls who bully others. For the girls being bullied: have courage and know that there is help available.

Books by Felicity Abbott

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