Chosen: Claiming Your Kingdom Purpose
(Generation Claimed Series #3)
Emily Assell
Lauren Copple (Illustrator)
(Tyndale Kids)
Genres: Children’s
Release Date: November 3, 2020

ISBN-10 : 1496436253
ISBN-13 : 978-1496436252

Book Summary:
You are a chosen, beloved child of the King. You have a purpose specifically planned for you by God Himself. You are chosen by God to be exactly who you are at this moment in time.

Chosen, the third book in the popular Generation Claimed Series, uses tender endearments and promises pulled directly from Scripture that parents can read over their children to teach them God’s promises for their lives.


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About The Author

Emily Assell is the founder of Generation Claimed and has a passion to call this generation to be a generation whose hearts and lives belong to Christ. She believes that your child, grandchild, niece, nephew or loved one is a child of God and has a right to an abundant life. It is Emily’s prayer that her books plant deep within your children who and Whose they are. She believes God’s Word and uses her words to join in agreement with Him that together we may claim the lives of this generation as His! Emily does most of her writing at night after her three precious children are tucked quietly into bed. Emily is a nurse, a speaker, a wife, a mom, and an author, but credits it all to her great God.

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