Historical romance authors connect online with Christian bookclub in Indiana Angela Breidenbach March 6, 2017 Romance Historical Authors from The Blue Ribbon Brides Romance Collection visited via Skype with readers at The Vine bookstore.
Historical Q&A: Jill Eileen Smith (Redeeming Grace) Jill Eileen Smith March 5, 2017 Romance Historical Jill explains her inspiration behind the series, what she learned while writing and also what we can expect for the finale of this series.
Third Installment of Daughters of the Promised Land Series Tells Ruth’s Story Jill Eileen Smith March 5, 2017 Historical Combining meticulous research and endless imagination, Jill Eileen Smith gorgeously renders one of the most beautiful stories in Scripture.
Historical Q&A: Maggie Brendan (Trusting Grace) Maggie Brendan March 5, 2017 Romance Historical Maggie shares her goals writing the book, her research into the historical period, and on whom she (sometimes) bases her characters...
Historical Q&A: Pepper Basham (Penned in Time) Pepper Basham March 4, 2017 Romance Historical Pepper answered our top questions about her inspiration behind the series, her writing challenges, and research.
Bringing true faith and heroism to life in ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ Family Fiction Staff March 3, 2017 Suspense Movies/TV Mel Gibson on bringing to life the true wartime account of Desmond Doss: "I was astounded by the extent of his sacrifice."
‘Hacksaw Ridge’ producer: Hollywood should do more faith-based films Family Fiction Staff March 3, 2017 Suspense Historical Movies/TV One of the film's producers says the film's success shows that people "want to see and hear" stories that dramatize faith.
Romance Q&A: Johnnie Alexander (What Hope Remembers) Johnnie Alexander March 1, 2017 Romance Johnnie shared with us about her inspiration behind the story and what she learned while writing this novel.
Maggie Brendan Finishes Western Series with Captivating Romance Novel Maggie Brendan February 27, 2017 Romance Historical Proves her masterful writing once again in Trusting Grace, book three of the Virtues and Vices of the Old West series.
Christian retailer Family Christian closing all 240 stores Family Fiction Staff February 27, 2017 Romance Suspense Contemporary Historical Amish Sci-Fi/Fantasy Young Adult/Teen Children's Comics & Animation Movies/TV Christmas Sad new for Christian readers: There will now be fewer places to buy your Christian books and movies.