Provo, UT (September 3, 2024)
Angel Studios is honored to announce that season 3 of the groundbreaking animated series, The Wingfeather Saga, has received a full funding commitment and is moving into production. The Wingfeather Saga is the #1 crowdfunded animated family series in history, with over $8.2M raised by over 10,000 investors.

“The support from our fans has been so encouraging and inspiring,” shares J. Chris Wall, Showrunner for the series. “This milestone wouldn’t have been possible without the steadfast support from fans who joined the Angel Guild to watch the series, pay it forward, and purchase merchandise. Their enthusiasm is what fuels our commitment to delivering more of the adventures and wonder they have come to love. We’re so excited to dive into the next chapter of this journey.”

Distributed by Angel Studios, The Wingfeather Saga Series is based on the best-selling novels by singer-songwriter and novelist Andrew Peterson with over 1 million copies sold. Season 3, titled The Ice Prairies, continues the story from the book North! Or Be Eaten where the Wingfeather family flee toward the Northern Ice Prairies to escape the Fangs of Dang.

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