Shock waves rippled through Christian publishing with the recent announcement that Christian retail chain Family Christian is closing shop. Citing several difficulties, the chain is closing all 240 locations in 36 states.

The news didn’t come as a complete surprise. After all, over the years Family Christian had changed owners. A couple years ago, the chain went through bankruptcy.

Still, the loss comes as a shock to those of us who still enjoy the unique pleasures of browsing through books in a store.

Hoping to fill the void, several independent Christian booksellers are stepping up to serve the customers left out in the cold by the closure of Family Christian stores. Please support them!

If you need help finding a Christian retailer near you, try out this store locator from the Christian Booksellers Association:

The world seems to be rushing headlong toward a future where all our stories are delivered by bits of data. But if you’re like me, you know that there’s nothing like being in the presence of books.

Is there a store near you that sells Christian books? Better still, Christian fiction?

Please give them a visit soon. Buy a book.

And tell them FamilyFiction says “Hi.”

Happy reading,


Chris Well

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