Where did the inspiration for this plot come from?
When I signed my first three-book contract a few years ago, book three was supposed to be a reality-show book based on a baseball competition. I had the plot outlined and ready to go when the three-book deal turned into just two books. When I had the opportunity to sign on with my current publisher—Amazon’s Waterfall Press— I revamped the plot (getting rid of the reality show theme), presented it to them, and they signed me on the idea. It’s nice to finally see this book come to life, and I’m excited about it.
Your protagonist in this book is a pro baseball player. Did you have to research baseball or have you been a long-standing fan?
I did have to research, and I’ve been a fan for several years. But my number one source of information was my neighbor, who played for the Mets and Tigers, and now manages in the Royals organization. He answered my countless questions, then corrected my mistakes when I still got most of the details wrong, and then wound up reading and editing the whole book for me. Mistakes were everywhere; I’m surprised he’s still speaking to me. I did name him in the book, and I slipped several of his personal memories inside the story, so maybe that earned me bonus points? *fingers crossed*
If you are a fan, who is your team? And what made you want to incorporate this into the story?
My family loves the Cubs, and we have a local AA team (Royals) and try to make it to several games each season. I incorporated baseball into the plot because I thought the neighbor thing would make it easy. I was naïve and stupid back then. As far as details go, this book was the hardest to get right.
How many novels have you written to date and how has your writing process changed over the years?
This is my seventh published novel, my eleventh to write. My writing process has been affected most by social media. I used to just sit down and write for 5–6 hours a day. Now I sit down and post to social media and answer emails for a couple of hours first, then write for the remaining 3–4, then come back to writing late at night. That isn’t a complaint, just a change in the way things are now vs. the way they used to be. My word count goal is 1500 every day. It used to be higher, but this is more realistic.
As a mom of four kids, what’s your secret to finding time to write and be creative?
SEND THE KIDS TO SCHOOL. That’s pretty much it. During school hours I’m most able to get things done—unless I get distracted by laundry, making more coffee, mindless social media, cleaning my closets, organizing my sock drawer…the list is long. Summer is a bust for writing overall, but the school hours…they generally work out okay.
What’s on the horizon for you professionally and personally?
Personally, my oldest child is moving away to attend music school in Atlanta soon, so that’s an adjustment. My second child starts her senior year of high school this year, so another adjustment is on the horizon. And professionally I’ll have another book out next summer, and there are other projects in the works. There is a lot of waiting in this business, but hopefully I’ll have some things to announce soon.