Three VeggieTales shows packed on one DVD, featuring Esther — the Girl Who Became Queen, Duke and the Great Pie War, and Madame Blueberry.
Esther — the Girl Who Became Queen tells the story of a new queen. When Esther has the weight of the world on her shoulders and the fate of her people in her hands, can she find the courage to do what’s right?!
Duke and the Great Pie War stars sweet Princess Petunia in this timeless medieval story of love, courage, and flying pies!
Madame Blueberry tells the story of a very blue berry. Madame Blueberry wants more stuff! Sure, she has everything she needs — good friends, plenty of food, a nice treehouse to live in — but some of her friends have a lot more stuff than she does. Learn that “being greedy makes you grumpy — but a thankful heart is a happy heart!”