Join Bibleman and his team on two exciting animated adventures!

1. Spoiling the Schemes of Luxor Spawndroth (An Adventure in Self-Control), Part 1
Luxor has finally done it: he has created an addicting online video game that puts dozens of kids (and even some parents) in a trance! And since the game is online, Luxor doesn’t even have to be near the players to affect them. How will the Bibleteam counter Luxor’s attack?

2. Spoiling the Schemes of Luxor Spawndroth (An Adventure in Self-Control), Part 2
Luxor Spawndroth has laid a clever trap for the Bibleteam. He knew they would rush in to help the children all across town who were stuck in a trance by his new video game. What is Luxor going to do next? Will the Bibleteam be able to escape the trap and save the game players? It looks like Luxor’s plan is working. Will he finally be victorious?

3. Pulverizing the Plans of the Prince of Pride (An Adventure in Humility)
With his latest invention, the Ego Boost Ray, the Prince of Pride and his dull henchman are turning the middle-school champion mathlete, Becky Thomas, into a painfully proud person. Can the Bibleteam reverse the effect?

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