You also wrote one of the books in the Military K-9 Unit series. Did you and the other authors coordinate at all or are these standalone books?
In the Military K-9 Unit series, the editors come up with the “bible.” They work out the characters and the story lines and then assign each author one of the stories.
This time, there were eight of us in the series—the previous ones had been six—so it was a little more exciting trying to coordinate everything. And no, the books are not really standalone books. The mystery starts in book one and isn’t solved until book eight.
When you’re writing for these multi-author projects, what are the pros and cons vs. just writing on your own?
Pros: There’s always someone to brainstorm with. LOL. There’s always someone to whine to and get encouragement from. You get to know each other very well and as a result of these collaboration efforts, I’ve made lifelong friends and prayer buddies.
Cons: Coordinating everything. It takes a lot to juggle the information that needs to go in the story and writing other authors characters can be challenging. You think you’re never going to be able to pull it off.
What are the challenges of being a Christian author writing about crimes and people in jeopardy?
Maybe just that the research can be so dark sometimes. I wrote about serial killers for a while and I had to get out of that mindset after the end of the third book because it’s just a lot of darkness. You don’t want to stay there too long.
The good thing about writing Christian fiction is that you get to show the light, too. And you don’t have to be subtle about it. LOL.
Visit Lynette Eason’s author page here:
Code of Valor
Blue Justice
Lynette Eason
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