What do you hope readers come away with after reading A Secret to Die For?

I want my readers to see that God is always there even in the worst of circumstances. And that He can use ordinary people to make a difference and bring glory to his name. It’s a theme I carry through most of my stories, because I think it’s so important.

We read about people in the Bible who felt like they weren’t important enough, or strong enough, or smart enough to do big things for God. But sometimes it’s the small things that matter most. Sometimes He calls us to make a difference right where we are—even in the middle of the ordinary day-to-day grind!

What are the challenges of writing Christian fiction with elements of crime, danger, and violence?

For me it’s trying to find a balance. When I read books or watch movies I don’t like a lot of violence, so in my own books I tend to stay away from graphic crime descriptions.

At the same time, one reason I write in this genre is because there is evil and violence in our world, and I want to show the contrast of finding justice and hope even in the worst of circumstances. To show how God can redeem any situation no matter what the outcome.

How does your faith impact how you write?

My faith makes me look at the world differently, and that worldview is always woven into my books. I have hope that God can redeem. Hope that he will one day bring justice. Faith that God can take our brokenness and restore us to a new joy that doesn’t rely on our circumstances, but instead in our knowing that he will one day make all things new.

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A Secret to Die For
Lisa Harris

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