Angela and Alton, what were your favorite parts of this process?

Angela Hunt: Writing Harbingers really was much like a game—you knew the rules, you did your part, and then you presented it to the group and said, “So there! Now you’re IT!” Story tag.

Alton Gansky: I loved writing from Tank’s point of view. For some reason, I found it refreshing and inspiring. I grew to love Tank—characters become quite real to novelists. I sometimes grumbled about things others introduced in their stories, things I had deal with in mind, but even that challenge became a joy. I started every Tank story by asking, “How am I gonna make this work?” It always seemed to work itself out.

What surprised each of you about the process or the finished work?

Bill Myers: That it worked!

Angela Hunt: I was surprised by how much the ending moved me. I cried. A lot.

Alton Gansky: I worked in fourth position. Bill Myers wrote the first novella in every “cycle,” Frank Peretti would follow, then Angela Hunt would give us the next in the series. My job was wrapping things up while telling the next tale.

This meant that the final book in the series fell to me. It was tough making all the pieces fit, but the most difficult part was knowing that I was writing the end to a set of stories and characters I had come to love.

What do YOU hope readers take away after reading the Habingers series?

Bill Myers: The joy of reading some of the top creative minds in our industry. And, of course, knowing we really are in a spiritual battle and that it has only one Victor.

Angela Hunt: Of these five characters, only one—Tank—was a Christian at the beginning. They all come to a place of faith, but in every different ways. I would like our readers 1) not to be surprised when non-Christians talk and think like non-Christians and 2) realize that not everyone who believes ends up in the same mold. There is a lot of variety in God’s kingdom.

Alton Gansky: Every novelist wants to tell a gripping story that has some value beyond entertainment. In this case, the reader sees that very different people can bond so tightly that no danger can sever the ties. Everyone of us has regrets, hurts, weaknesses, but that doesn’t disqualify us from doing worthwhile things. The Harbingers exemplify that.

Visit Bill Myers’ author page:

Visit Angela Hunt’s author page:

Visit Alton Gansky’s author page:

Visit Frank Peretti’s author page:

Cycle One of the Harbingers Series
Bill Myers, Frank Peretti, Angela Hunt, Alton Gansky
Bethany House

The Assault
Cycle Two of the Harbingers Series
Bill Myers, Frank Peretti, Angela Hunt, Alton Gansky
Bethany House

Cycle Three of the Harbingers Series
Bill Myers, Frank Peretti, Angela Hunt, Alton Gansky
Bethany House

1 2 3

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