This category includes the sub-genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Portal Fantasy, Paranormal, Fairy Tales, Dystopian Society, Supernatural, Apocalyptic and other such imaginative fiction books.

Q&A: Kim Bishop

"I have learned that God is in control of life and salvation, and as Christians we are called to share the Gospel, but not shove it down people's throats, nor be responsible for their salvation...that is up to the Holy Spirit."

Q&A: Craig Davis

"I want to bring a bittersweet realization of mystery to my readers, while still offering them some exhortation about their place in the Kingdom of Heaven."

Q&A: Paul Wagner

"I hope that readers will also stop and think about how even the small choices they make in their daily lives have a measurable impact on the lives of those around them and may well determine their final, eternal destination."