Operation NorthStar
From the Declassified Files of Captain Walter Weber Series
TS Delaney
Christian Faith Publishing
Genres: Historical, Suspense
Release Date: July 4, 2021

ISBN-10: ‎ 109808036X
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1098080365

Book Summary:
Operation NorthStar details the exploits of Captain Walter Weber. Weber is one of the OSS’s first agents and is pressed into service to capture Germany’s top saboteur Nordstern (NorthStar). Captain Weber uses his Christian faith, superior intellect and leadership skills to track NorthStar from the Florida Keys, to Venezuela and Europe ultiamtley capturing the saboteur in time to save undercover assets in Germany.


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About The Author

TS Delaney lives in San Antonio Texas with his wife Laura and daughter Ana Rebeca. His books reflect his life long interest in the history of World War II and weaving Biblical themes into historical situations.

Books by TS Delaney

Operation NorthStar

Christian Fiction New Book Release: Operation NorthStar—From the Declassified Files of Captain Walter Weber series by TS Delaney