Love and the Dream Come True
State of Grace Series #3
Tammy L. Gray
Bethany House
Genres: Romance
Release Date: August 2, 2022

ISBN-10: ‎ 0764235931
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0764235931

Book Summary:
Four years after getting the biggest break of his life, Cameron Lee’s music career has taken a nosedive. He reluctantly returns home for a family wedding hoping to find his love for music again.

Single mom Lexie Walters has suffered her fair share of tragedies and setbacks, but she has finally scraped the money together to achieve her dream of going into business with her cousin. When Lexie’s life is at an all-time high, she runs into her teenage crush, Cameron Lee. Lost in the emotional turmoil of failure, Cameron is immediately drawn to Lexie and her infectious smile and optimistic spirit. Moreover, he adores her mouthy, no-holds-barred daughter.

But fantasies only last so long, and soon Lexie and Cameron have to face the real world, the one fraught with heartbreak and disappointment and questions that sometimes can only be answered on your knees.


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