Otter B Forgiving
Otter B Series #11
Pamela Kennedy and Anne Kennedy Brady
Focus on the Family
Genres: Children’s
Release Date: February 7, 2023

ISBN-10: ‎ 1646070429
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1646070428

Book Summary:
Otter B Forgiving is the eleventh in a series of children’s books that teach young children basic biblical values. In this story, Otter B’s friend Roscoe accidentally wrecks Otter B’s new birthday present. Roscoe says he’s sorry, but Otter B is too upset to forgive his friend. The next day, Otter B is riding bikes with his other friends and accidentally knocks Tabitha off her bike. When Otter B apologizes, Tabitha forgives him right away. Otter B is so relieved that he runs right over to Roscoe’s house. Not only does he forgive Roscoe for damaging his boat, he also asks Roscoe to forgive him for being so upset. When Otter B says his prayers that night, he asks God to bless all of his friends, especially Roscoe. Then he sleeps soundly, thankful that he’s been forgiven too.


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About The Author

Pamela Kennedy is the author of more than 50 children’s books. She has published hundreds of articles for a variety of organizations, including Ideals magazine. She has organized and taught Bible studies, religion classes, and marriage workshops. When she’s not writing, she loves playing with her grandchildren. Anne Kennedy Brady has authored or coauthored more than a dozen children’s books, and her writing has appeared in Ideals magazine and Verily ( She’s also the author of five plays that have been professionally produced and is a graduate of Seattle Pacific University.

Books by Pamela & Anne Kennedy Brady