Inside Threat (Riley Covington Thrillers #4) Jason Elam and Steve Yohn July 1, 2011 Suspense Despite the protests of the Counter-Terrorism Division director, Riley races to make a daring rescue...
Blackout (Riley Covington Thrillers #3) Jason Elam and Steve Yohn January 1, 2010 Suspense A terrorist plot to detonate electromagnetic pulse bombs could leave the U.S. without power, communications, and transportation'right down to dropping planes out of the sky ...
Blown Coverage (Riley Covington Thrillers #4) Jason Elam and Steve Yohn December 1, 2008 Suspense Can the Cause be stopped before they're able to reach their ultimate goal'
Monday Night Jihad (Riley Covington Thrillers #1) Jason Elam and Steve Yohn September 1, 2008 Suspense An insider look at the world of professional athletes and military intelligence