Lady Antonia Has a Tormenting Secret
It is January 1855. Three years have passed since her marriage to Lord Charles M. Danvers, and still there is no heir to the earldom. Antonia fears Charles will soon be asking a lot of questions—questions she’s afraid to answer. For she has kept a secret from Charles that might have changed his decision to marry Tonia.
With this secret weighing heavily on her mind, she and Charles stumble upon a mystery. Frail, elderly Catherine Bacon has been murdered. Though the slaying is blamed on a traveling “dustman,” Charles begins to track clues to the mysterious death through the streets of Victorian Scotland.
Meanwhile, Antonia, trying to shake the irrepressible helplessness within her, absorbs herself with a favorite hobby—antique shopping. What she discovers in one of the shops stops her in her tracks! There, in a window, is a figurine that belonged to the late Catherine Bacon. This mystery suddenly has a new twist. Antonia continues to track clues to the crime, clues that lead to a shocking discovery. All the while hoping that nobody — especially Charles — discovers the truth she’s been hiding.