Search for the Astral Dragon
Astral Alliance Series #1
Bryan Davis
Genres: YA/Teen Space Opera, Sci-Fi
Release Date: May 3, 2022

ISBN-10: ‎ 1496451805
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1496451804

Book Summary:
This fast-paced YA space opera (reminiscent of Star Wars) follows a strong female protagonist, Megan, on an interplanetary search for her mother. On her journey, Megan witnesses the horrors of child trafficking and slavery and joins with a group of other teens to fight against corrupt systems and stand up for the vulnerable.

Full of unusual characters and daring escapes, Search for the Astral Dragon draws readers into a world of snarky spaceship computer systems, a variety of different sentient species, spaceship tech, and magical elements. Megan is smart and quick-thinking, competent with spacecraft technology, and a person of strong character who’s experiences give readers difficult questions to consider.


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