The beloved story of Noah re-imagined for a new generation. This is the tale of an ancient world submerged in darkness. Fallen angels breed giants and demigods that enslave mankind. Noah, a tribal leader, has been prophesied to bring an end to the rule of these “gods” and save humanity from coming destruction. But Noah is a broken hero, a defeated warrior, short on faith and long on remorse as his wife and son are captives of these dark forces. To rise against this supernatural evil and rescue his family he will need his faith restored and the backing of an equally supernatural army.

While this book is a speculative retelling of the biblical Noah (we are not told much about him in the Bible), it is based upon historical and biblical research into the time period as well as other ancient Sumerian and Hebrew literature. All the fantasy elements in the novel are drawn from biblical images and concepts interacting with their ancient Mesopotamian culture. Several appendixes at the back of the book provide an explanation of some of the concepts such as the Divine Council, the Nephilim, Leviathan, and the ancient Mesopotamian Cosmography in the Bible.

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About The Author

Brian Godawa has been a professional filmmaker, writer, and designer for over 20 years. His creative versatility was born of a passion for both intellect and imagination, both left-brain and right-brain. The result: Brian is an artisan of word, image, and story that engages heart, mind, and soul.

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