Cory and the Seventh Story
Brian D. Mclaren and Gareth Higgins
Illustrator: Anita Schmidt
Convergent Books
Genres: Children’s
Release Date: October 17, 2023

ISBN-10: ‎0593579909
ISBN-13: ‎978-0593579909

Book Summary:
Cory and the Seventh Story is beautifully illustrated children’s book that shows us all how to find a new way forward in a world that can be scary for both kids and adults. Filled dynamic characters like Cory the raccoon, his best friend Owl, and a wise swift horse, Cory and the Seventh Story highlights how we can find a path to peace in the midst of anger, fear, and fighting. Children and parents alike will delight in this hope-filled tale that teaches us how we can all extend peace, love, and laughter to everyone we meet.


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About The Author

Brian D. McLaren is a speaker, author, activist, and networker exploring the intersection of Christian faith and contemporary life. He has written over a dozen books, including A Generous Orthodoxy, Everything Must Change, and We Make the Road by Walking. For twenty-four years, he served as the founding pastor of Cedar Ridge Community Church in the Washington-Baltimore area.

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