The Edge of Reality with Andrew Klavan Andrew Klavan July 30, 2014 Sci-Fi/Fantasy "I'm a gamer ... I just began to wonder: what if the border between life and games became permeable, what if you could pass from one into the other and back again'"
From the Fog Andrew Klavan December 2, 2013 Suspense Young Adult/Teen Andrew Klavan on His Providential Move to YA Fiction
Middle schoolers adapt Andrew Klavan thriller into short film Andrew Klavan June 17, 2013 Suspense Young Adult/Teen "Seriously, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a film adaptation of my work more. Really, it made my day'my week!"
Andrew Klavan: Getting to the Truth Andrew Klavan February 28, 2011 Suspense From the time he outgrew aspiring to be a cowboy or an astronaut, Edgar Award-winning author Andrew Klavan wanted to tell stories.
Andrew Klavan: ACTION AND TRUTH Andrew Klavan September 1, 2010 Suspense Young Adult/Teen Summit Entertainment, makers of Hurt Locker and the Twilight movies, has optioned the Homelanders books for film.