Jack vs. the Tornado
Tree Street Kids #1
Amanda Cleary Eastep
Moody Publishers
Genres: Children’s
Release Date: April 6, 2021
ISBN-10 : 0802421024
ISBN-13 : 978-0802421029

The Hunt for Fang
Tree Street Kids #2
Amanda Cleary Eastep
Moody Publishers
Genres: Children’s
Release Date: April 6, 2021
ISBN-10 : 0802421032
ISBN-13 : 978-0802421036

Book Summary:
The Tree Street Kids live on Cherry, Oak, Maple, and Pine, but their 1990s suburban neighborhood is more than just quiet, tree-lined streets. Jack, Ellison, Roger, and Ruthie face challenges and find adventures in every creek and cul-de-sac—as well as God’s great love in one small neighborhood.

In book 1 of the Tree Street Kids Series, 10-year-old Jack is shocked to discover his parents are moving from their rural homestead to the boring suburbs of Chicago. Full of energy and determination, Jack devises a plan to get himself back to his beloved farmhouse forever. Only three things stand in his way: a neighbor in need, a shocking discovery, and tornado season. Will Jack find a solution? Or is God up to something bigger than Jack can possibly imagine?

In Book 2 of the Tree Street Kids Series, Jack and his friends learn some survival skills at the church’s summer camp. They’ll need them! Determined to find Ruthie’s lost cat and protect Jack’s new puppy from Fang, the local wildlife, the kids head deep into the woods. Just when they think they’ve cornered the “enemy,” the kids realize someone has gone missing. Is Fang up to no good? Or will faith and friendship be enough to see the kids make it out alive?


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Buy The Hunt for Fang from the FF Store HERE!


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Buy The Hunt for Fang from Amazon HERE!