Big Idea Entertainment To Release Its First-Ever Multi-Superhero DVD VeggieTales July 10, 2012 Children's Comics & Animation Movies/TV Where Does A Hero Go For Help' VeggieTales®: The League of Incredible Vegetables ' A Lesson In Handling Fear And Trusting God
VeggieTales: Bringing a Legend to Life VeggieTales May 3, 2012 Comics & Animation The legendary Robin Hood has been portrayed by many, from Douglas Fairbanks to Errol Flynn, from Kevin Costner to'Larry the Cucumber'
BIG IDEA Entertainment To Release Brand-New Princess Themed DVD Title VeggieTales May 1, 2012 Children's Comics & Animation Movies/TV BIG IDEA Entertainment To Release Brand-New Princess Themed DVD Title.
Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith: Introducing The Amish of Apple Grove Lori Copeland April 10, 2012 Amish Two well-known authors, Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith, joined forces for a brand-new series, The Amish of Apple Grove.
Charles Martin: Characters Welcome Charles Martin March 16, 2012 Romance Contemporary Southern writer Charles Martin believes a good story is all about connecting with the characters.
VeggieTales: Silly Songs by the Fans, for the Fans VeggieTales February 13, 2012 Children's Comics & Animation The results are in, the fans have spoken, and Larry the Cucumber reveal the 20 favorite silly songs of all time!
Historical Q&A: Ann H. Gabhart (Words Spoken True) Ann H. Gabhart February 1, 2012 Romance Historical "I do believe faith makes a difference - for me and for my characters."
VeggieTales: Robin Good coming to DVD VeggieTales January 23, 2012 Children's Comics & Animation All-new title from Big Idea Entertainment features a lesson in handling hurt
Rapture: The Complete Left Behind Series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins January 13, 2012 Suspense Sci-Fi/Fantasy A comprehensive list of every book and every spinoff in the popular end-times series.
Hollywood screenwriter explores Noah account with speculative novel Brian Godawa December 28, 2011 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Controversial novel 'Noah Primeval' asks, "Did God wipe out a race of giants with the flood'"