Contemporary Q&A: Katherine Reay (A Portrait of Emily Price) Katherine Reay December 22, 2016 Contemporary Katherine Reay writes women’s fiction with a fresh, exciting voice. She answers our questions about her latest novel.
Speculative Q&A: Rachelle Dekker (The Returning) Rachelle Dekker December 22, 2016 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Rachelle sat down to answer some of our questions about the conclusion of her first series.
Amish Romance Q&A: Suzanne Woods Fisher (The Newcomer) Suzanne Woods Fisher December 22, 2016 Romance Amish Fisher’s latest novel details the challenges for the first Amish group to settle in the New World.
Suspense Q&A: Samuel Parker (Purgatory Road) Samuel Parker December 22, 2016 Suspense Samuel Parker explains the research behind his debut thriller, and how his faith informs his writing.
Historical Romance Q&A: Kristi Ann Hunter (An Uncommon Courtship) Kristi Ann Hunter December 22, 2016 Romance Historical The author explains how the spiritual elements of this story are different from the others in the series.
Q&A: Francine Rivers (Bridge to Haven) Francine Rivers December 21, 2016 Historical The award-winning writer on the Prodigal's Son, and the timeless elements of Bridge to Haven.
Thomas Locke: Bringing Light Into Dark Places Thomas Locke December 14, 2016 Sci-Fi/Fantasy "The key to these stories being successful is in anchoring them somehow to reality."
New Historical Amish Series by Suzanne Woods Fisher Suzanne Woods Fisher December 12, 2016 Historical Amish Suzanne Woods Fisher Takes Readers Back to Amish Beginnings in Book Two of Historical Amish Series
Steampunk Allegory ‘The Aetherlight’ Continues with Snow-Blown Adventure Family Fiction Staff December 12, 2016 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Young Adult/Teen Children's Comics & Animation Movies/TV Game for Tweens continues groundbreaking approach to retelling the Bible as a Steampunk adventure.
Watch: All About Julie Klassen’s New Series Julie Klassen December 12, 2016 Historical Julie Klass is on location and talking to readers about her first Regency Era series.