Greenville, SC (March 25, 2021)
From the pen of author Terry Overton comes her debut novel Both Sides of the Border on Ambassador Internationa. Both Sides of the Border is a revolutionary tale of understanding and the human connection. Set in the backdrop of colorful, nuanced Mexico and South Texas, Both Sides of the Border reveals the human experience behind today’s complex immigration conflicts and inspires its readers with compassion for humanity. In Both Sides of the Border, author Terry Overton crafts a tale of parallel journeys, a humanitarian crisis, and the hope of a brighter tomorrow. Readers will be overcome by the reality that so many people in border communities face—the complexities of immigration and the necessity of upholding human dignity.

Book Summary:
Delores Sanchez is a young Honduran woman fighting for a better life, one she hopes she will find in the United States. Along with her two younger brothers, Delores begins a perilous journey through Central America to Mexico, hoping to one day make it across the Mexican American border. The journey is fraught with peril, and Delores tries to desperately to protect her brothers from the kidnappers, thieves, and hunger that waylay them on their road to freedom. “You must be careful here in Orizba. There are people here, much like in Honduras, who want to steal money and hurt people.” On the American side of the border lives Eva Jordan, a privileged, educated, American professor, who takes a new position in South Texas to establish herself away from her family. Eva visits Mexico as a tourist, marveling at the beautiful scenes that have been carefully curated for visitors. She soon realizes that the struggles of the people making their way into the United States were beyond simple black and white language.

Both Sides of the Border
Terry Overton
Ambassador International
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Release Date: March 30, 2021

ISBN-10 : 1649600585
ISBN-13 : 978-1649600585


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About The Author

Terry Overton obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology and her Ed.D. in special education. She taught in public schools and was a school psychologist and a professor before retiring in 2016. Her university experienced included teaching at Longwood University in Virginia, the University of Texas-Brownsville, The University of Texas-Pan American, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and Stephen F. Austin State University. She held positions as Dean and Department Chair during her tenure in higher education. Her areas of research included behavior disorders, learning disorders, autism, and research in higher education. She currently resides in Laguna Vista, Texas. She enjoys Biblical history and general Bible studies, writing, blogging, and playing golf.