Kelly Irvin is a bestselling, award-winning author of over thirty novels and stories. A retired public relations professional, Kelly lives with her husband, Tim, in San Antonio. They have two children, four grandchildren, and two ornery cats.

In this interview, Kelly talks about her latest Amish Romance novel, With All Her Heart.

FF: What inspired you to write this book?
With All Your Heart is the third installment in the An Amish Calling Series, which features a family of Amish auctioneers. I thought it would be fun to explore the world of auctions and calling auctions, since they are an important mechanism for raising funds to run schools and buy firefighting equipment, and other needs of the Amish community. Plus they’re fun and a great place to spark up a romance. I also wanted to continue to explore how Amish families view disabilities and chronic diseases. This is particularly relevant for the Amish because they have to cope with the unintended consequence of not marrying outside their small, closed communities. That is, genetic diseases in greater numbers. Some of these diseases are rarely seen in the rest of the world. The Amish are such stalwart believers, they seem to find the good in all circumstances. But that doesn’t mean they don’t struggle with difficult situations and suffering—especially when it comes to their children. I wanted to show readers some of the ways the Amish overcome those struggles.

FF: How did you choose your main character?
Sometimes I feel like my characters choose me. Bonnie is living with type A spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic disease that affects her ability to walk, among other things. She uses a rollator and doesn’t allow her limited mobility to get in the way. She and two friends open and operate an artisan craft shop that specializes in items crafted by people with disabilities. I wanted to demonstrate how people overcome trials in their lives with hard work and a positive attitude. At the same time, it was important to not downplay the struggle these challenges can require. Especially for an Amish woman who’s expected to clean house, plant gardens, cook, can, bake, do laundry, and raise children, without the assistance of what we “Englishers” like to call modern conveniences. It worries Bonnie. She wonders if an Amish man will look past her disabilities to her traits of being a hard worker, a strong believer, smart, kind, loyal, and funny. That’s where Elijah comes in!

FF: What kind of research did you do for this story and what did that look like?
It’s amazing how much good information you can find from reputable sources on the Internet. I’m very careful to use more than one source and doublecheck my information. I had to learn more about SMA and how it’s treated. I watched videos on how to set-up a woodworking shop, the tools needed, and the making of wooden toys. I even bought the material and patterns to try to make a stuffed animal like Bonnie makes. Full disclosure: That was a no-go. I have weak, shaky hands and no sewing machine so I couldn’t finish my little project—which gives me lots of respect for those folks who are big crafters!

FF: If there’s one thing you’d want readers to take away from With All Her Heart, what would that be?
In times of suffering and difficulty, it’s okay to ask God for help. He wants to help. Our society says we have to tough it out, show the world how independent and self-sufficient we are, but God tells us that in our weakness, He is strong. He will take us by our right hands and lead us. Having a disability is hard—I speak from personal experience—but God can use that circumstance for our good. We simply have to trust Him and not give up or give in.

With All Her Heart
An Amish Calling Series #3
Kelly Irvin
Genres: Amish Romance
Release Date: January 28, 2025

ISBN-10: ‎084070948X
ISBN-13: ‎978-0840709486

Book Summary:
Bonnie is successful in her crafts shop but fears no man will see past her disability to her strong and loving heart. Elijah dreams of leaving the family business to focus on his carvings. Can they find a new path together?

Elijah Miller is a quiet and painfully shy man with a talent for carving the handmade toys and furniture that tourists in the Amish shops love. The large, boisterous Miller family is anything but shy. With a thriving auction business, they want him to do what he hates most: taking the stage and calling the auctions. He loves his family and wants to support them, but will they allow room for Elijah to follow his own dream?

Bonnie Yoder began the Homespun Handicrafts with her friends, Sophia and Carol. Each has a physical disability to overcome but together they prove that wheelchairs and rollators will not stop them from building a business and a craft community. Bonnie, with her chestnut curls and pretty face, yearns for a husband and family of her own but fears her spinal condition will keep any Amish man from choosing a life with her. Can a man like Elijah see past her walker to the woman behind it?

With the support of his beloved dog, Slowpoke, Elijah finds the courage to bring in samples of his handcrafted toys for Bonnie to consider for display in the shop. Through her advice, Elijah begins to see a possible new life doing what he loves best. Bonnie, in reconnecting with this old school friend, fears that the hope for a relationship that she feels may be another disappointment.

Can Elijah and Bonnie help each other find the lives they want and the love they desire?


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About The Author

Kansas native Kelly Irvin is an author who writes in the Amish and suspense genres, and been writing nonfiction professionally for more than thirty years, including ten years as a newspaper reporter. She retired in 2016 after working 22 years in public relations for the City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department. She is a member of ACFW and Alamo City Christian Fiction Writers. In her spare time, she blogs, reads fiction, and loves her family.