04) Irene Hannon
With a combined total sales of more than 3.5 million, Irene Hannon is one of the leading authors in inspirational romantic suspense. Her gift of delivering a perfect mix of intrigue and romance continues to draw in new fans with each new book. Honored with three RITA Awards from Romance Writers of America, her other awards include National Readers’ Choice, Daphne du Maurier, Retailers’ Choice, Booksellers’ Best, Carols, and Reviewers’ Choice from RT Book Reviews magazine.
“I minimize description as much as possible and always cast crime and aggression in a negative light. We’ve become so desensitized to violence and vulgarity in media that it’s almost expected in mainstream novels now. But I firmly believe you can tell a compelling story without getting gruesome or graphic.”
READ THE INTERVIEW: Romantic Suspense Interview: Irene Hannon—Lens of Faith
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